Frohe Ostern mit dem Osterbilby

Foto: Wildlife Sydney Zoo

Ich wünsche all meinen treuen und fleißigen Lesern frohe Ostern, herrliches Osterwetter, einen fleißigen Osterbilby und viele bunte Ostereier!

Weißt du noch nicht, was ein Osterbilby ist? Dann lese meinen Artikel „Das Osterbilby - Australiens Alternative zum Osterhasen“.

Mein kleines Dankeschön für dich ist das Osterbilbylied:

“The Easter Bilby” by John Williamson

Did you know that Bilbys used to be everywhere
Now there’s just a few in Queensland do we really care?
Big long ears, she’s no bunny
Like a kangaroo
She can carry chocolate in her pouch
But Grandpa won’t believe me
He’s too busy snoring
As she tippy-toes around the couch


Oh we all love the Easter Bilby
Pointy little snout
Close your eyes I’m sure she will be
Sneaking all about (with her)
Yum, yum, yum, yum chocolate Bilbys
Big long chocolate nose

It’s Easter so I’m sure she will be
Round on tippy-toes
But did you know cats and foxes
Eat our little friend
They’re nasty and they chase her all about
But you can help to save her
If you buy her chocolates
She carries with her babies in her pouch


She comes out after dark
That beautiful little Bilby
She hears you are asleep and tucked in tight
She has such big ears she knows you are dreaming
She’ll bring a chocolate Bilby tonight


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